Perfect Welding

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Perfect Welding


Application Story

顧客に見合った進歩とイノベーションを追求するオーストリアのトレンドセッティング企業、Anton Paarは、さまざまな産業向けの高精度測定機器を製造する企業です。同社の献身的な研究、エンジニア、製造チームは非常に熱心で、「できること」の境界線を押し広げることを日々志しています。今日、Anton Paar GmbHは、密度・濃度測定、流体測定、溶存二酸化炭素分析における業界のリーダーとされています。しかし、技術者が年々減少していること、また高度な製造ソリューションを求める声が高まっていることから、同社は最新世代のロボット溶接セルへの投資を行いました。

これまで、オーストリアのグラーツでアントンパール社が製造する測定および制御装置のすべての機器や部品は手作業で溶接されてきました。これは、ロボット溶接システムは1個~400個までの小バッチ規模の溶接に関しては環境負荷が高いと見なされていたからです。しかし、売り上げの増大が続く一方で国内雇用市場の熟練作業者がますます不足し、現在では小バッチでも環境に負荷をかけずに自動溶接を行えるようになった革新的なロボット技術が台頭してきたことで、ハイテク企業である同社は最先端のロボット溶接システムへの投資を行うに至りました。また、Anton Paarの測定・制御スペシャリストはライン全体で柔軟性があり、高い費用対効果も併せ持つソリューションを必要としていました。具体的には、部品の個数、形状、大きさを問わず、また位置、そしてさまざまな溶接プロセスで柔軟に使用できる必要がありました

Anton Paar GmbHのCOO、Dominik Santner氏は次のように述べています。「熟練作業者の不足と増え続ける生産量により、生産において新しいソリューションが求められています。そのため、この新しいロボット溶接セルは、当社の製造過程で自動化を進めるに当たってとても大きな一歩と言えます。プロセスセンサーを従来のように手動で溶接した場合、今後数年間に計画された数量を達成するのに大きな困難に直面するでしょう。」


Anton Paarのエキスパートたちが最初から強調していたのはシステムの自動化でした。溶接システムは、設定完了後、初めから終わりまで全ての工程を一度で処理できなければなりませんでした。例えば、オシレータハウジング、主搬送波、向流冷却器など、異なるオブジェクトのバッチを溶接する場合です。また、これを完全に独自で、溶接技能者の介入なしに行える必要がありました。


「私たちは、精度と品質に関して同じ基準を持つ、信頼できるパートナーを探していました。私たちの声に真剣に耳を傾け、要望に応え、持続可能なソリューションを提案できる存在が必要だったのです。つまり、今後何年にわたって競合力をもたらすことのできるパートナーです。」と、溶接技術部部長であるDaniel Moik氏は説明します。「Fronius Internationalは持続可能なパートナーシップという点でこれらの基準を満たしていました。そして、Froniusの溶接自動化チームは私たちの技術者と密接に協力し、私たちの要望を全方向から叶えるロボット溶接セルを開発しました。何よりも、フロニウスには私たちと手を取り合ってシステムを進化させ、新しいニーズに応用する準備ができているのです。」

効率性の代名詞とされる: Fronius Pathfinder

溶接は一般的にはシステム上で直接作業されますが、Anton Paarでは、新しい溶接作業は溶接システムを経由せず、直にプログラミングされています。現在進行中の溶接作業を停止するのではなく、作業をプログラミング中も続行することで生産性を上げることができます。溶接工は、測定機器部品のCADデータを取り込み、Fronius Pathfinder®で溶接作業が行われるように条件を作成します。その後、さまざまな接合シナリオのテスト、溶接シーケンスの定義が行われ、シミュレーション中に最適化されます。



工程を修正する必要が生じた場合、影響を受けるティーチング点の移動はドラッグアンドドロップで簡単に行えます。部品へのアプローチに変更が必要な場合も、「リセット」ボタンを押すだけです。すると、仮想ロボットがホーム位置に移動し、新しいアプローチランを開始します。現実の条件下では、ロボットを引き戻したり、ロボットコントローラでホーム位置に移動させたり、ティーチングプロセスを再開したりと、時間のかかるプロセスを行う必要があるでしょう。しかし、Pathfinderのオフラインプログラミングとシミュレーションソフトウェアを活用することで、Anton Paarの専門家たちは貴重な時間を溶接に集中させられるだけでなく、エラーの原因を事前に特定できます。 


Anton Paarのためのカスタマイズワークフロー

Anton Paarは、多種多様な部品の溶接のためのカスタムワークフローを利用することができています。具体的には3つのワークフローがあり、これは部品の範囲内で卓越した柔軟性を実証するものでした。






まず、パレットと部品がHMI-T21 RSシステム制御内で一緒に作成され、それに伴い、担当の溶接工によって次の4種類の重要情報が提供されます。(1)パレットの種類、(2)種類、(3)個数、(4)パレット上の部品の位置。例えば、いくつのメインキャリアまたはオシレータハウジングが、どのパレットのどの位置に配置されるのかなどです。オフセットパレットの場合、部品の位置はいわゆる部品間のオフセット距離に基づいて計算されます。この際、最初の部品がマスターポジションと推定されます。例えば、オフセットがY座標において200 mmである場合、X座標でも+200 mmとなります。Anton Paarが製造するパレットは穴板で構成されており、厚さは数センチメートル規模、そしてプラグインシステムとして機能します。このパレットは2つのラックから成るパレット保管場所に配置されており、さまざまな加工対象物をそれぞれ保管できるように設計されています。個々の部品の受け取り位置や預け入れ位置は、部品の性質とハンドリングロボットのグリッパによって変わる場合があります。

ロボットコントローラには、各ワークフロータイプ用の階層的な下位ロボットプログラムが含まれています。ここにはPathfinderで作成された溶接プログラムが配置されます。ワークフロー2のパレットがHMIで作成される場合(部品がパレットに直接溶接される場合)、ロボットコントローラーは対応するロボット溶接プログラムをフィルタリングします。これにより、Anton Paarの溶接工はワークフロー2で利用可能なすべてのプログラムをスムーズに選択し、適切なものをパレットに割り当てることができます。単一の溶接プログラムを使うオプションの他、作業シーケンス全体を作成するオプションもあります。例えば、パレット用にTIGプログラムを作成し、その後に同じシーケンス内でMAGプログラム(例:CMT)を作成することが可能です。この場合、ロボット溶接システムでは2つのプログラムが順次に実行され、溶接プロセスが自動的に変更されます。さらに、Anton Paarのエキスパートは、専用の特別ステップをHMIプロセスに挿入することもできます。例を挙げると、特別な「部品回転」のステップをシステムが把握しているため、必要に応じて2つの溶接プロセス(TIGとCMT)間で使用可能です。




新しい部品が「移動されてきて」いるのにもかかわらずデポジット・レシーブステーションに認識されない場合、自動ランは一時停止されます。そして、溶接技能者はロボットコントローラでティーチングプロセスを開始するよう促されます。ロボットコントローラはFanuc iPendantと呼ばれ、システムソフトウェアからステップごとの指示を受信します。システムはこれに基づいて関連するステーション(クリップボードなど)必要なグリップ/デポジットポジションを「学習」します。このポジションは記録され、ハンドリングプロセスをその地点から行う際に使用できます。その後、自動ランが次のステーションまで続行されます。部品がそこで不明な場合、位置もティーチングされる必要があります。すべてのステーションが指示通りに動作したら、ハンドリングロボットはその他の同一の部品をすべてシステム経由で中断することなく自動的に転送します。



Anton Paarでは、単純な形状の部品を好む標準のオフセット配置に加え、最大30個の金属部品をパレットの如何なる場所にもデポジットできるようにしたいと考えていました。これに対処するに当たり、フロニウスは「ティーチングパレット」機能を作成しました。この機能を選択すると、パレット上の各部品の位置を個々にティーチングすることが可能です。

「これら2つのバージョン、オフセットとティーチングパレットのおかげで、部品配置を最高レベルで柔軟に行うことができています」と、製造自動化部長のIngo Riemenschneider博士は説明しています。「オフセット距離を使って部品の位置を定義しようとするとうまくいかないことがあります。部品によっては形状の相違から別々の方向に固定する必要もあります。」



「このシステムでは、アイテム番号と部品情報が検出されると、ハンドリングと溶接プロセスが特定され、操作が開始されます。すべて、HMI-T21 RS経由で制御されています。そして、システムは、それぞれの部品でどのグリッパーとどの機器が必要なのかについて情報を保存します」と、Riemenschneider氏は述べます。「同様に、成形および溶接シーム中のアルゴンフラッシング時にも行われます。また、システムはプロセスデータの記録にどのデータが必要または不必要であるかも把握しています。」

ロボット溶接セルでは、それから数か月後も初日と変わらない精度で溶接がで可能であり、溶接シームも同じ場所に完璧な形で配置されます。これを可能にしたのはもちろん、Anton Paarがマイクロメートルレベルの精度で部品を製造し、卓越した品質レベルによって接合していることに起因しています。 


回転傾斜ポジショナーには、4本のフロースルー線用に1つの媒体導管、そして送気管には2つ、アルゴン送気管には2つあり、最大で32件の入力/出力信号(IOs)を送信することができます。この媒体導管はプラスチック製で、Anton Paarによって3Dプリンティングを使用して製作しました。部品を成形する必要がある場合、ハンドリングロボットがまず必要な圧縮デバイスをパレットラックから取得し、特別なクランプシステムによってマニピュレータに締め付けます。それ以降、空圧式装置シリンダ用の空気ラインとアルゴンフラッシング用のガスラインの両方が接続されます。また、これによって、電子信号を圧縮デバイスによって送信できるようになりました。その後、ハンドリングロボットが部品を配置し、システムがクランプ信号を送信します。これで成形、その後に溶接を行えるようになります。システムは部品を1つの締め付けデバイス上で数回回転できるように設計されています。


Anton Paarが製造した残留酸素測定機器

回転傾斜ポジショナーで成形中、部品内の残留酸素は同社独自の測定機器、Oxy 5100で測定されます。Oxy 5100により、ガス流中の残留酸素のドリフトフリー測定は、溶接プロセス全体においてリアルタイムで行われます。通常、部品は1つのラインの2セクション間で固定されます。成形ガスは、供給ライン上の一端に流入し、その後片側に流れる際に排出されます。残留酸素の内容物はここで測定されます。各溶接プロセスで排出ガスホースの挿入/取外しという追加の過程がロボットに生じるため、これは自動溶接プロセスにとっては逆効果になります。そのため、測定装置を供給ラインに設置することが決定されました。望ましい残留酸素量に達したことが測定機器によって報告されると、溶接が開始され、その際にはアルゴンガスが部品に流入するまでにかかった時間分の遅延が考慮されます。この期間は、必要な残留酸素量にまだ達していないことを確認するのに必要なものです。部品の完全充填までにかかった時間、つまり遅延時間は、部品ごとに人力測定結果およびシステムに保存された結果に基づいて決定されます。部品が再度上がってくると、コントローラでは値にアクセスし、値に基づいた応答を行えるようになります。


Anton Paarの溶接技能者にとって特に重要だったのは、1つの部品溶接に2種類の溶接プロセスを組み合わせることです。例えば、ルートパスの溶接にはTIGを、多層溶接における表層ビードにはMAGといった要領で溶接を行う場合です。しかし、最終的にどの溶接方法を選択するかは、溶接の計算結果、そして個々の部品で必要とされる耐性次第です。

「私たちの溶接テストは、CMT(コールド物質移動)、PMC(パルスマルチ制御)、LSC(低スパッタ制御)など特殊なプロセスを使うかどうかの決定要素です。そして、どのプロセスに決定するかは、部品の壁の厚さや溶接の種類(I形突合せ溶接や隅肉溶接など)、必要な溶接深度とマイクログラフによって異なります」と、Moik氏は説明します。「シリーズ製造を始める前に約6~7回のテストが必要です。 素材の性質によって入熱が激しすぎる場合には、CMT、つまり「冷却」溶接プロセスが当然適切となります。溶接速度を上げて生産性を向上したい場合にはPMCを検討します。溶接を特に低スパッタリングで行う必要がある場合、LSCが適切な選択と言えるでしょう。なぜなら、これによってコストのかかる再作業を回避できるからです。」

溶接データはHMIに記録されます。目視検査中に溶接技能者によって欠陥が発見されると、溶接データ記録を見て制限値からの逸脱があったかどうかを確認することができます。もちろん、大原則として、部品にはすべて目視検査が行われ、また10回ごとに色浸透テスト(PT)も行われます。これはひび割れ、細孔、フュージョン溶着が1 µm以内でない場合の検出に便利です。PTテスト済みの金属部品に対してはテストサイクル後、定期的に顕微鏡撮影が行われます。

Froniusの革新的なプロセスはインテリジェントかつ柔軟なシステムコンセプトであり、またロボット溶接システムを常に進化させる現在進行形のポテンシャルを持っています。このような要素により、Anton Paarの繊細で高精度な測定機器では、今後長きにわたって最高レベルの溶接が可能になるでしょう。フェンスと抽出システムは同社の溶接工をアークと放出ガスから保護する、という安全性の向上と彼らの健康保護というメリットがあります。


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General terms and conditions

1. Applicability

1.1 All deliveries and other services effected by ourselves, and all payments made to us, shall be exclusively governed by these Terms of Delivery and Payment. Insofar as applicable provisions may be found to be missing therefrom, the General Terms of Delivery of the Austrian Electrical and Electronic Industries shall apply in a subsidiary manner; in all other regards, Austrian laws and regulations shall apply. If any business terms of the Ordering Party’s are at variance with these General Terms of Delivery and Payment, we shall only be bound by such divergent terms if we have expressly recognised the same by letter or by telefax.

1.2 In taking delivery of the goods and/or service, the Ordering Party acknowledges the exclusive applicability of our Terms of Delivery and Payment.

2. Offers

2.1 Our offers are without engagement and subject to alteration, unless the offer makes express mention of a period of engagement. Documents pertaining to our offers – such as drawings, illustrations, samples and patterns, and dimensional, weight, performance and consumption data – contain or themselves constitute only approximate data and are not deemed to be specially agreed characteristics unless otherwise provided. We retain the right to effect modifications for engineering reasons.

2.2 We reserve the proprietary rights and copyright to all cost estimates, drawings and other documents; these may neither be disclosed to any third party nor used for the purposes of any third party.

3. Acceptance of the order; supplementary agreements

Acceptance of an order, and any undertakings or supplementary agreements made by our employees, as well as amendments and alterations of any kind, shall not be binding upon us until we have issued written confirmation by letter, telefax or e-mail.

4. Price and payment conditions; offsetting

4.1 Prices are always the list prices valid on the date of delivery. They are ex-works prices (EXW), exclusive of packaging, insurance, loading at the factory and value-added tax; the packaging will not be taken back.

4.2 Payments are to be made net cash, without any deduction and free of charges, within 30 days of the invoice date. It shall be for us to decide which claims or partial claims of the Ordering Party’s may be offset against such payments.

4.3 If any changes in order execution are necessitated by circumstances where risk is borne by the Ordering Party, then this latter shall bear all additional costs thereby incurred.

4.4 If the payment period is exceeded, we shall be entitled to charge default interest at a rate of ten percentage points above the applicable base rate announced by the Austrian National Bank, plus the collection costs, such amounts to total at least 12% p.a. of the overall claim. This is without prejudice to any further consequences of default in payment.

4.5 It is inadmissible for the Ordering Party to withhold payments or to offset these against counter-claims which are contested by ourselves.

4.6 Where the Ordering Party holds claims against ourselves, we are entitled to offset these against our own claims against the Ordering Party, at any time.

4.7 For services performed under contracts for work and materials (installation, repairs, maintenance and other such work), we shall charge the hourly rates and materials-prices applicable at the time of completion, plus our applicable surcharges for any overtime, night-time, Sunday and public-holiday working; travel and waiting times are counted as working hours. Travel expenses and daily and overnight allowances will be invoiced separately.

5. Performance, shipping and default

5.1 The delivery period commences with the mailing of the order confirmation note, while the performance period for installation, maintenance or repair work commences when the equipment is handed over. On no account, however, shall the delivery or performance period start to elapse sooner than 14 days after the time when the Ordering Party has furnished us with the documents (e.g. engineering drawings, plans etc), permits or approvals which it is responsible for procuring, or when it has made the agreed pre-payment. The delivery or performance deadline is deemed to have been met if we have notified the Ordering Party prior to such deadline of our readiness to deliver or perform; in cases where a special agreement obliges us to dispatch or deliver, the delivery or performance deadline shall be deemed to have been met if the object of delivery or performance has left our factory prior to such deadline.

5.2 Delivery or performance periods are extended for the duration of any unforeseen impediments lying outside our sphere of influence, such as stoppages, major personnel outages, unlawful strikes, delays in supplies of essential raw materials or components or the like, as well as by circumstances where risk is borne by the Ordering Party, to the extent that these impediments and/or circumstances are of material relevance to the failure to meet the deadline. Impediments and/or circumstances of this nature also annul the consequences of a default for which we would otherwise be liable, for the duration of such impediments; any contractual penalty obligations which may have been agreed for specific instances shall entirely cease to apply. Immediate notification is to be given of the beginning and end of such impediments. We are entitled to terminate the contract, in whole or in part, if such impediments should occur. In this case, unless the Ordering Party proves gross negligence on our part, damages claims from the Ordering Party shall be inadmissible.

5.3 If agreed delivery or performance deadlines, or deadlines that have been extended in accordance with 5.2 above, are exceeded by more than four weeks, the Ordering Party shall be entitled to terminate the contract, having granted us at least 14 days’ extra time by notice given to us in a registered letter. Unless the Ordering Party proves gross negligence on our part, damages claims from the Ordering Party shall be inadmissible in this case.

5.4 If the Ordering Party incurs a loss from a delay for which we are liable, then it shall be entitled to compensation amounting to 0.5% per whole week - up to a maximum of 5% - of the value of that part of the delivery which cannot be used in time or for its intended purpose as a result of the delay. For other services, the compensation shall be 5% of the remuneration. Any damages claims going beyond the above shall be inadmissible, as shall claims for damages in consequence of delays on the part of our suppliers, unless gross negligence is proven on our part.

5.5 In cases where we have undertaken to effect shipping, the mode and route of shipping shall be for us to decide. Goods are always shipped at the Ordering Party’s risk and expense. We shall only be liable for damage if gross negligence is proven on our part. We shall only take out transport / breakage insurance by order and for the account of the Ordering Party.

5.6 We are entitled to effect part-deliveries.

5.7 Our compliance with the delivery period shall be contingent upon the Ordering Party having fulfilled its contractual obligations in all pending, still-to-be-completed business transactions.

5.8 If shipping is delayed due to circumstances where risk is borne by the Ordering Party, then this latter shall bear all resulting additional costs, such as those for storage at our factory, but with a minimum monthly charge of 0.5% of the invoice amount. In such a case we shall also be entitled to grant the Ordering Party a grace period of at most 14 days, and if this period should expire to no avail, we shall then be entitled, at our own discretion, either to make alternative arrangements regarding the article(s) to be delivered and to effect delivery to the Ordering Party within a suitably extended period of time, or to terminate the contract and claim damages for breach of contract. In this latter case, we are entitled, without having to furnish any particular proof, to require 10% of the remuneration for the intended delivery as indemnification. Where appropriately substantiated, we can also claim compensation for any damage over and above this amount.

5.9 In the case of goods ordered on call, or ordered for production with no shipping instructions, delivery must be taken within three months. If this time limit elapses unused, then 5.8 shall apply analogously.

5.10 For services performed under contracts for work and materials (4.7), the Ordering Party is to provide us with the necessary equipment and auxiliary materials (e.g. winches, rails, electricity etc.) in good time and at no charge, even if installation is included in the price (4.1) or if a flat-rate price has been agreed for this. Any works needing to be carried out by the Ordering Party preparatory to installation, e.g. building work, must be completed prior to the arrival of our installation technicians. Furthermore, the Ordering Party must take all safety precautions needed for the protection of persons and property. We shall not accept liability for the ancillary personnel, equipment and auxiliary materials which may be placed at our disposal unless gross negligence is proven on our part.

6. Passage of risk

6.1 Risk shall pass to the Ordering Party as soon as the articles to be delivered, or the articles on which we have performed maintenance, repair or other work, have left our factory. The same shall also apply to part-deliveries or in cases where we have undertaken to bear the shipping charges or to perform delivery, setting-up, assembly, installation or other similar services. If the maintenance, repair or other work is carried out in the domain of the Ordering Party, then risk shall pass to this latter as soon as it has received notification that the work in question has been completed.

6.2 If there is any delay in dispatching or delivering the shipment for reasons for which we are not liable, the risk shall pass to the Ordering Party as soon as it has been notified that the consignment is ready for delivery.

7. Retention of title; rescission

7.1 We shall retain title to the article(s) delivered until our purchase-price claims, and all other claims that we have – on whatever legal grounds – against the Ordering Party, have been settled in full.

7.2 The Ordering Party is only permitted to re-sell the article delivered – even if this has been joined to other items or subjected to processing – in the course of its company’s regular business operations. However, this permission is precluded if the resulting claims are assigned to third parties or are the subject of an assignment prohibition, or if the Ordering Party is insolvent or in default with the performance of its contractual obligations. No other manner of disposition whatever is permitted to the Ordering Party. In the event of distrainment, confiscation or other disposition by third parties, the Ordering Party is to notify us hereof immediately. Our legal expenses incurred in connection with the enforcement of our title are to be borne by the Ordering Party.

7.3 The Ordering Party assigns to us even now its claims and other rights from the re-sale, rental or leasing of the article delivered, even if this latter has been joined together with other items or subjected to processing; the Ordering Party shall make an entry to this effect in its books. If the article delivered is sold or placed into the hands of a third party for such party’s use together with other items (regardless of whether or not it has been joined to any such items or subjected to processing), then the receivables claim shall only be assigned up to the amount of the purchase price owed to ourselves. This is without prejudice to any further damages claims.

7.4 The Ordering Party is only entitled to collect the claims and to assert the other rights to the extent that it has met its payment obligations towards us and is not insolvent.7.5 If the Ordering Party should act contrary to the terms of the contract – in particular by being in arrears with payment or with any other contractual obligation, and/or by being insolvent – we shall be entitled, at our own discretion, either to terminate the contract without granting any grace period or, while leaving the contract in force, to take back the article delivered or to forbid it to be used. We shall also be entitled to sell the taken-back article in the open market; after deduction of a handling fee of 10% of the proceeds thus realised, the remainder will be debited from the total of our outstanding claims against the Ordering Party. Pending return of the article in the event of our terminating the contract, we shall charge the Ordering Party a usage fee of 5% of the original value of the article, unless the actual diminution in its value is even greater.

8. Warranty

8.1 We give no warranty for ordinary deviations in size, weight or quality (or as tolerated by ÖNORM, EN or DIN standards), and also no warranty for information given regarding the suitability of the article(s) to be delivered for the purpose contemplated by the Ordering Party, or for any other particular purpose.

8.2 Although we warrant the correctness of our processing instructions, user/operating manuals and customer advisory service, compliance with statutory or other regulations when using the articles delivered, and the testing of these articles for the purpose envisaged, shall remain the sole responsibility of the Ordering Party. We shall only be answerable for any instructions differing from our written processing instructions and user/operating manuals if we expressively previously confirmed these deviations to the Ordering Party in writing, either by letter, telefax or e-mail.

8.3 Articles or services supplied must be inspected by the Ordering Party immediately after delivery has been taken of them. Any defects must be reported to us immediately upon being discovered, in a written notice sent by letter, telefax or e-mail quoting the number and date of the order confirmation note, of the delivery note or of the invoice, and the serial and commission numbers. If the Ordering Party omits to make this immediate notification, it may no longer assert any warranty claims or claims for compensatory damages on account either of the defect itself or of any misapprehension as to whether the delivery or service was free of defects. The notice must set out which delivered items or supplied services are affected by the defects, what the defects consist of in detail, and under what concomitant circumstances these defects occurred. Every single defect must be exactly described. Any costs which we incur as a result of unjustified notices or notices that are otherwise at variance with the conditions of use are to be refunded to us by the Ordering Party.

8.4 In the case of corrective and preventive maintenance work, our warranty shall be limited to the services actually rendered. We shall only warrant correct functioning of an installation, machine, Software or the like whose components were not all supplied by ourselves if we provable have undertaken – despite the provision of certain components by the Ordering Party or by third parties – to manufacture the installation (or machine etc.) as a whole, and if the faulty functioning in question is not attributable to incorrect or incomplete information from the Ordering Party.

8.5 Unless otherwise agreed, the warranty period shall be 24 months. From the beginning of the 13th month of this period, however, our warranty shall be limited to making available, free of charge, the items needed for remedying the defects; from this time onwards, any warranty claims going beyond the above shall be inadmissible. This period limitation also applies to the supply of items deemed to be immovable and to work on items which are, or are deemed to be, immovable. The warranty period shall start to elapse upon the passage of risk in accordance with Point 6. The Ordering Party must always prove that defects coming to light during the warranty period were already present at the time of the passage of risk.

8.6 In cases where we do give warranty, we shall – at our own discretion and within a reasonable period of at least 4 weeks’ duration – either exchange the defective article itself, or its defective components, for a defect-free article or defect-free components, or remedy the defect(s), or grant the Ordering Party a reasonable reduction in price, or (unless the defect in question is a minor one) cancel the contract. The warranty period is not prolonged by the exchange of the item or of parts or components belonging to the item. If, however, the remainder of the warranty period – including that part of the period during which our warranty is limited to free provision of the requisite materials in accordance with Point 8.5 – lasts for less than twelve months, then the warranty period for the exchanged items, parts or components shall be extended to twelve months. The items, parts or components thus exchanged shall become our property. We shall not refund the costs for any actual or attempted remedying of a defect by the Ordering Party or by any third party.

8.7 To the extent that is necessary and may reasonably be expected of the Ordering Party, the object of delivery or performance, or the defective part(s) thereof, are to be dispatched or shipped to us immediately at our request, at the Ordering Party’s risk and expense, failing which any and all warranty obligation on our part shall become void.

8.8 The Ordering Party is not entitled to withhold payments on account of warranty claims or other counter-claims not recognised by ourselves.

8.9 Warranty claims from the Ordering Party are excluded in cases where the installation, user and operating manuals provided by ourselves, or to be requested from us by the Ordering Party, have not been observed, or where the user has not been (fully) obligated to observe such instructions; if the installation work has not been performed properly and in accordance with the relevant Standards, and in particular if was not carried out by licensed contractors; if any corrective maintenance or other work has been performed on the object of delivery or performance without our consent; if it has been improperly operated or used, or operated despite its protective features being faulty, or taken out of the contract territory without our consent, or used contrary to our instructions or for purposes for which it is not intended; and, moreover, where defects are attributable to foreign object damage, chemical influences, overvoltage, the conduct of third parties or to force majeure; the same applies in respect of natural wear-and-tear.

8.10 Our warranty is also excluded in cases where we have been contracted to carry out repair-orders, to alter or modify used items, or to supply such items.

8.11. Finally all warranty claims shall be excluded if the Ordering Party installs third-party components or replacement parts in our delivery items or services provided by us which have not been expressly recommended by us prior thereto.

8.12. In addition to the rights of the Ordering Party in accordance with Point 8.6. regarding the delivery of inverters for photovoltaic systems the guarantee in accordance with the guarantee conditions of Fronius shall apply, available at

9. Damages and product liability

9.1 We shall only accept unlimited liability for damage, of whatever kind, to the extent that the Ordering Party proves that we ourselves brought about this damage either knowingly and wilfully or grossly negligently. If the Ordering Party proves that we have caused damage in an ordinarily negligent manner, our obligation to indemnify shall be limited to the damage actually incurred, and, moreover, to a maximum overall amount not exceeding the total order value. Furthermore, claims of this type may only be enforced at law if asserted within six months of the damage in question becoming known.

9.2 In the event that we are taken to law by a third party where we have produced and delivered in accordance with the drawings, designs, models or other documents provided by the Ordering Party, the Ordering Party shall indemnify and save us harmless.

9.3 When using the installations, machines and other articles delivered by ourselves, the Ordering Party is obliged to painstakingly observe all safety regulations, technical rules, installation regulations, operating instructions and user manuals, and in particular all regulations applying to the electrical engineering field, and to allow only authorised skilled personnel to operate the equipment.

9.4. Any liability for damage caused by the installation or use of third-party components or replacement parts with our delivery items, which have not been verifiably and expressly recommended by us, shall be excluded.

10. Consent to data protection

Client shall agree that Fronius International GmbH and its subsidiaries may collect, process and use personel data (such as name, address, email address), if applicable also by commissioning a service provider, for the purpose of sending information regarding products and services of any kind (e.g. by post, email, newsletter and more). A dissemination to externals in excess thereof shall not occur (excluded are legal or judicial obligations to provide information). The consent may be objected at any time in writing, in the newsletter there is also a link to unsubscribe.

11. Final provisions

11.1 The place of performance for deliveries, other services and payments, and the sole place of jurisdiction, shall be Wels, Austria. However, we shall also be entitled to go to law against the Ordering Party at the court which has “in-rem” and territorial jurisdiction under the relevant regulations for the Ordering Party’s commercial domicile or place of residence.

11.2 The Ordering Party is aware that in international commerce, it is common practice that an agreement regarding the place of jurisdiction can also be entered into, in a formally effective manner, as a result of tacit acquiescence or non-reaction to a confirmatory business letter such as an order confirmation note containing a pre-printed reference to the place of jurisdiction. The Ordering Party is familiar with this commercial usage, especially in the field of business of Fronius International GmbH, and heeds it regularly.

11.3 Legal disputes arising out of the contract are to be governed by Austrian law and by the commercial practice prevailing at the place of performance. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, on the other hand, shall not be applicable (Austrian Federal Gazette 1988/96).

12. Special provisions for software supplied together with ordered items or software supplied separately

For software delivered together with other items or for software delivered separately (hereafter “software”) these Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment only apply insofar as these do not deviate from the following conditions or from conditions agreed upon separately with the Ordering Party.

12.1 Scope of use

12.1.1 All rights of intellectual property, such as copyright, trademark rights, design rights, patent rights, utility model rights and know-how, as well as in particular unprotected inventions, commercial experience, trade secrets and such like, independent from the time these were disclosed to the Ordering Party, shall be reserved at any time by us or our licensors. The Ordering Party shall have the right to use the software after payment of the agreed sum exclusively for his own purposes in accordance with the acquired number of licences. With the present contract only the authorization to use the software is acquired. Dissemination by the Ordering Party shall be excluded in accordance with the copyright law. With a possible participation of the Ordering Party in producing the software no rights other than the specified usage laid out in Section 12 are acquired. The Ordering Party may only use the software simultaneously on one device, which one is his decision. Usage of the software shall constitute any long-term or even any temporary duplication (copying) of the software, whether in whole or also only in part, by saving, loading, running or displaying for the purpose of execution of the software and processing of the data contained therein by the hardware. He shall not be authorized to copy the user manual.

12.1.2 The Ordering Party shall be permitted to make copies of the software for archival and data protection purposes on condition that there is no explicit prohibition in the software or any accompanying material (instruction manual, packaging, etc.) and that all copyright and proprietary notices are transferred unchanged in these copies. Retranslations of the programme code (decompilation) exceeding the legal provisions shall not be permitted.

12.1.3. If the software is equipped with technical copy protection, the Ordering Party shall in the case of damage be supplied with a replacement copy after restitution of the data carrier.

12.2 Further rights

In the event of availability of a new software version the Ordering Party shall be entitled to exchange the supplied software package for a similar software package of the new version at our listed update price; the exchange implies the software package as a whole, as it was acquired by the Ordering Party. With the exchange Ordering Party´s permission to use the exchanged software package shall expire. In such an event the Ordering Party shall immediately and completely destroy all copies, partial copies and backup copies as well as altered or revised versions of the software and the copies, partial copies and backup copies made thereof.

12.3 Warranty

12.3.1 The Ordering Party shall note that it is not possible to develop software programmes in such a manner that these are free from defects for every application condition.

12.3.2 We shall warrant that the supplied software fulfils the agreed functions and has the expressly guaranteed properties. Requirement for any warranty is usage according to contract. A defect for which we are responsible shall only be deemed to exist if the software does not function according to the most recent version of the corresponding performance description/documentation and if this is reproducible by the Ordering Party. In order to carefully examine possible occurring defects the Ordering Party shall be obliged to support us in the rectification of any defects.

12.3.3 We further shall warrant that the original software is duly recorded onto a tested data carrier. Excepted here from are previously installed software and third-party software products.

12.3.4 Software defects shall be documented by the user and we shall be notified in writing with immediate effect; otherwise 8.3 shall apply.

12.3.5 The warranty period shall always be twelve months; the period commences with the dispatch of the software package.

12.3.6 If the software package is not usable or defect (12.3.2), we shall exchange it primarily for a new one of the same title or for an adequate alternative solution. If this also proves to be unusable or defect and if we are not in a position to make it usable with adequate effort within an adequate time, but at least within a period of four weeks, the Ordering Party may demand a price reduction or a change. Costs of defect rectification by the Ordering Party or a third person shall not be compensated by us.

12.3.7 In excess of this (12.3.6) we shall not provide warranty, in particular not in the case of the supplied software not meeting the special requirements of the Ordering Party or user, and also not for altered or revised versions of the software (point 12.1.2), unless the Ordering Party can prove that the defects are not connected to the alterations or revisions. The Ordering Party itself is solely responsible for the selection, installation and usage of the software as well as for the results intended therewith.

12.3.8 In the event of unjustified assertion of defects in the software we shall be entitled to charge the Ordering Party with any incurred costs according to valid cost rates.

12.3.9 A change of the end-user shall exclude any warranty claims

12.4 Compensation

12.4.1 All further claims of the Ordering Party or third persons, in particular claims for compensation for damages of any kind, shall be excluded, unless the injured party can prove that the damage was caused by us either intentionally or due to gross negligence.

12.4.2 Otherwise Point 9 shall apply accordingly.